
Closing the employment gap for adults with I/DD requires the participation of the entire community. Here are national and local resources for employers, job-seekers, and other community members.

Community Resources

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Work Together NC – Work Together NC is a Community Collaboration focused on the transition to adulthood for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD). They maintain a searchable list of over 200 services across North Carolina.

Autism Society of North Carolina – Among other resources and services, ASNC offers guidance and support to families to prepare for the transition to adulthood.

B3 Coffee – B3 Coffee is a nonprofit that provides community-integrated social and vocational opportunities for people of all abilities. Fill out their New Team Member form to get involved!

Reality Ministries – Reality Ministries fosters friendships amongst people of all abilities marked by mutuality, authenticity and the reality of Christ’s love for all.

HOPE NC and L’Arche – Inclusive communities in formation where adults with and without intellectual disabilities share life and friendships.

The Arc of the Triangle – Supports children and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities [IDD] in the achievement of their personal goals and dreams in our community through partnership and advocacy.

PACID – PACID is a grassroots organization of over 180 families with adult children who have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

HEELS 2 Transition – offers programs at UNC-Chapel Hill designed to support people with IDD during the transition to adulthood, including HEELS UP and HEELS Prep.

Autism Support and Advocacy Center – A Durham-based organization with a mission to enable and empower the Autistic and Neurodivergent community through the principles of Disability Justice.

Inclusive Businesses

B3 Coffee – A nonprofit that provides social and vocational opportunities for people of all abilities. Find B3 Coffee at the Chapel Hill Public Library and local pop ups. Our Extraordinary Gifts Coffee Shop candle is available at B3’s kiosk in the library.

Three Basketeers – Three Basketeers is a nonprofit that creates special gifts by special people. Their mission is to provide vocational training and meaningful work for adults with developmental disabilities. Three Basketeers sources the products for their gift baskets from other companies that employ adults with developmental disabilities, including Extraordinary Gifts.

Blawesome – A Chapel Hill-based flower farm and design studio that offers locally grown organic arrangements. Their farm is owned and co-operated by a young man living with autism. Blawesome offers CSA subscriptions, including one with pick up at Blue Hill Event Center.

Esteamed Coffee – Esteamed Coffee is a coffee shop in Cary, NC with a mission to create meaningful job opportunities for people with intellectual, developmental, communication, and/or visual impairments. They exist to connect employees with disabilities to the community at large in a warm, welcoming environment. Esteamed Coffee also uses their space to showcase the work of local artists with disabilities, including Extraordinary Gifts.

Popcorn for the People – Popcorn for the People is a nonprofit that employs adults with autism. Their focus is on respect, equal wages, and career advancement opportunities for their entire neurodiverse team. All proceeds from their gourmet popcorn directly support their neurodiverse workforce and are reinvested to increase production capacity to create more employment opportunities.

HANDmeUPs Thrift Store – Located in Raleigh, NC, HANDmeUPs Thrift is a nonprofit created to provide employment and volunteer opportunities to individuals with Autism and other developmental disabilities. The thrift store provides a work environment where individuals can master specific tasks and be successful employees.

Inclusive Employment

Vocational Rehabilitation Services – The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) helps people with disabilities achieve their goals for employment and independence.

NEXT for DEI – NEXT for DEI provides companies with the tools and resources they need to be neuroinclusive.

Small businesses: Entrepreneurship the answer for some with autism – Interview with Gregg and Lori Ireland, Extraordinary Ventures co-founders, about small businesses founded by autistic adults.

Six lessons for job seekers with autism, and those without – San Francisco Chronicle article with job seeking tips.